V – Jaguar Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Last Updated:
March 21, 2022

This glossary was compiled by Don B at jaguarforums.com and is reproduced here
with his permission

V = Volt, Volts
V6 = Six-cylinder engine with two banks of three cylinders arranged in a vee orientation
V8 = Eight-cylinder engine with two banks of four cylinders arranged in a vee orientation
V12 = Twelve-cylinder engine with two banks of six cylinders arranged in a vee orientation
V12, Jaguar = Engine designed by Jaguar engineers Wally Hassan, Claude Baily and Harry Mundy
VAC = Volts Alternating Current (see VDC), or Vacuum
VACM = Voice Activated Control Module (VAM), see JaguarVoice
Valance = A long narrow horizontal trim panel or finisher
Valet Key = Key that will operate ignition switch but not glove box or trunk locks
Valey Mode = Mode in which glove box and trunk opening are inhibited
Valve Cover = Protective cap on overhead-valve (OHV) engine, rocker cover, see Cam Cover
VAM = Voice Activation Module (VACM), see JaguarVoice
Vanden Plas = Name of early luxury coachbuilder used in place of Daimler for U.S. market
Vapor Lock = Non-start due to fuel changing from liquid to gas while still in the fuel delivery system
VAPS = Variable Assist Power Steering (see ZF-Bosch Servotronic, PAS, PASCM)
VASA = Variable Assist Steering Actuator (Transducer/Solenoid Valve)
VAST = Variable Assist Steering Transducer (Actuator/Solenoid Valve)
VAT = Vane Air Temperature Sensor (ACT, CTS, IAT, IATS, MAT, MCT)
Vaumol = Trademarked natural-grain grade of Connolly Leather (see Autolux, Autocalf)
Vbat = Battery Positive Voltage, B+
VBR = Definition not yet known; from p. 208 of X350 Owner’s Manual, appears diesel-related
VCATS = Vehicle Configuration And Test System
VCM = Ford/JLR Vehicle Communication Module OBDII serial comm. gateway for IDS, WDS, SDD
VCM II = Second generation Ford/JLR Vehicle Communication Module
VCT = Variable Camshaft Timing (see VVT, TAVDICT)
VCTOCS = Variable Camshaft Timing Oil Control Solenoid
VCV = Volume Control Valve, Diesel Fuel Volume Control Valve
VDC = Volts Direct Current (see VAC)
VEMS = Vehicle Emergency Messaging System (JagNet)
Veneer = Thin sheet material, often figured wood, used a finish surface over a less-expensive substrate
Vent Window = Quarterlight, quarter window
Verge (of road) = Shoulder (of road)
Vertical Link = Steering Knuckle
VFD = Vacuum Fluorescent Display used on early XJ40 instrument panels
Vibration Damper = Crankshaft Damper, Crank Pulley Damper, Harmonic Balancer or Damper
VIC = Virtual Instrument Cluster, Virtual Instruments (dev. for Jaguar by VST and QNX) (DIC, VI)
VICS = Vehicle Information Control System (Japan)
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number, unique factory-applied automobile identifier code
Vinyl = Upholstery fabric with surface made of vinyl polymers (see Rexine, Vynide, Ambla)
VIS = Variable Intake System (see IMT)
vis-à-vis = Face-to-face, facing, opposite, in relation to, compared to
Viscosity = The extent to which a liquid resists the tendency to flow
Viscosity Index = Scale indicating the variation of an oil’s viscosity with variation in temperature
Viscous Coupling = Hydromechanical device that transfers torque & rotation by way of a viscous fluid
Vise Grips Pliers = Mole Grips Pliers
Vitreous Enamel = Porcelain Enamel: fused powdered-glass coating on some Jaguar exhaust manifolds
Volt = Unit of electric potential, electric potential difference (Voltage), & Electromotive Force
Voltage = Electric potential difference or Electromotive Force, measured in Volts, see Current
Voltage Regulator = Voltage Stabilizer
Voltage Stabilizer = Voltage Regulator
VOM = Volt-Ohm Meter, still useful but in general supplanted by the more modern DMM
VPW = Variable Pulse Width Modulation, a GM OBD protocol
VR = Voltage Regulator
VRLA = Valve-Regulated Lead Acid battery (sealed or maintenance-free battery)
VRS = Vehicle Road Speed, typically expressed in mph o km/h (RS, VS)
VS = Vehicle Speed, typically expressed in mph o km/h (RS, VRS)
VSS = Vehicle Speed Sensor
VSO = Vehicle Speed Output
VVA = Vehicle Vibration Analyzer
VVT = Variable Valve Timing (see VCT)
VVT = Variable Valve Timing Solenoid Valve; VVT1 = Bank 1/ RH Bank; VVT2 = Bank 2/ LH Bank
Vynide = Early form of vinyl introduced on the XK150, thicker than Rexine but no knit backing

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