M – Jaguar Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Last Updated:
March 21, 2022

This glossary was compiled by Don B at jaguarforums.com and is reproduced here
with his permission

M = Meter/Metre
M = Mass; U.S. terminology of SE version of XK120
M = Position Memory set button (for seats, steering wheel, pedals, exterior mirrors, etc.)
MACS = Mobile Air Conditioning Society
MAF = Mass Air Flow Sensor (AFM, AMS, MAFS, MAS)
MAFS = Mass Air Flow Sensor (AFM, AMS, MAF, MAS)
mA·h or mAh = milliamp-hour, 1/1000 of an ampere-hour, unit of battery power/discharge interval
Main Agent, Jaguar = Jaguar Dealer/Dealership
Main Road = Autobahn, Freeway, Highway, Interstate, Motorway, Parkway
MAP = Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor or Motorist Assurance Program (AMRE)
Mark 1 = Jaguar 2.4L and 3.4L saloons produced 1955-59 (known as Mark 1 after Mark 2 introduced)
Mark 2 = MK 2, Jaguar medium-sized saloon produced 1959-67
Mark V = Pronounced “Mark Five,” large Jaguar luxury saloon produced 1948-51
Mark VII = Pronounced “Mark Seven,” large Jaguar saloon produced 1951-56, successor to Mark V
Mark VIII = Pronounced “Mark Eight,” large Jaguar saloon produced 1956-58, successor to Mark VIII
Mark IX = Pronounced “Mark Nine,” large Jaguar saloon produced 1959-61, successor to Mark IX
Mark X = “Mark Ten,” full-size Jaguar saloon produced 1961-70, renamed 420G in 1966
MAS = Mass Airflow Sensor (AFM, AMS, MAF, MAFS)
Mass = Amount of matter in a body, does not vary with altitude but commonly equated with Weight
MAT = Manifold Air Temperature Sensor (ACT, CTS, IAT, IATS, MCT, VAT)
MAX = Maximum
May Fireball Engine = Michael May designed High-compression stratified charge V12 HE head (AIR)
May, Michael = Designer of Jaguar V12 HE high-compression stratified charge cylinder head (AIR)
MCCM = Message Control Center Module
MCP = Multimedia Control Panel
MCT = Manifold Charge Temperature Sensor (ACT, CTS, IAT, IATS, MAT, VAT)
Mechatronics = Field combining mechanical, electrical, telecomm, control & computer engineering
Medallion = Bade, Emblem
Mega Fuse = Fuse with a very high Imax
MegaSquirt = Customizable aftermarket EFI control system by Bruce Bowling and Al Grippo
MEM = Memory, as in stored radio station, seat position, etc.
Metalastik = Trademarked rubber/metal bonded anti-vibration isolation bushes by Trelleborg AB
Meter, Metre = m, Unit of length, 1 m = 39.3701 inches or 1.09361 yards
Methylated spirit = Denatured Alcohol
Metre, Meter = m, Unit of length, 1 m = 39.3701 inches or 1.09361 yards
MFI = Mechanical Fuel Injection
MIL = Malfunction Indicator Lamp (CEL, EML, SEL, SES)
Milometer or Mileometer = Odometer (ODO)
MIN = Minimum
Mini-lite = U.K.-based maker of alloy wheels retro-fitted to classic racing Jaguars
Ministry of Transport = Department of Transportation (MOT, DOT
Misfire = Combustion failure in a cylinder due to malfunction with fuel, spark, timing, etc.
Mistry, Cyrus P. = Current Chairman of the Tata Group, including Tata Motors/JLR
MK 2 = Mark 2, Jaguar medium-sized saloon produced 1959-67
Ml = milliliter/milliliter, 1/1000 Liter/Litre, 1 ml = 1 cc, a unit of volume or displacement
ML/kM =Mile/kilometer selector for instrument panel display units
mm = millimeters
Mohair = Angora goat fleece textile used in classic Jaguar convertible tops & tonneaus (Wigan cloth)
Mole Grips Pliers = Vise Grips Pliers
MON = Motor Octane Number, a fuel performance rating system; see RON, (R+M/2), AKI
Mongoose = OBDII-to-USB serial communications gateway adapter cable for use with JLR SDD
Monocoque = Unibody
Moonroof = Roof window with a glass panel that may or may not open to the air (see Sunroof)
Moquette = Short-nap woolcloth with velour-like surface used in Jag interiors and on draught excluders
MOT = Ministry of Transport, Department of Transportation (MOT, DOT)
Moto-Lita = U.K.-based maker of classic wood-rim OE and aftermarket Jaguar steering wheels
Motor Factor = Auto Parts Store
Motorway = Autobahn, Freeway, Highway, Interstate, Main Road, Parkway
Montreal Protocol = Int’l treaty on ozone protection effective 1989 that prompted R-12 phase-out
mpg = Miles Per Gallon, a measure of fuel economy (see kmpl, l/100km)
mph = Miles Per Hour (see km/h)
MPS = Manifold Pressure Sensor
MSDT = Material Safety Data Sheet
MT or M/T = Manual Transmission
MTBE= Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether, an oxygenate used to enhance unleaded fuel octane rating
ms = Millisecond, 1 ms = 1/1000 second
Muffler = Silencer
mV = millivolt(s), 1 mV = 1/1000 volt
MW = Medium Waveband (see LW)
MY = Model Year

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