K – Jaguar Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Last Updated:
March 21, 2022

K = degrees Kelvin
KAM = Keep Alive Memory
KC = Knock Control
KD = Kick Down or Kickdown
KDS = Kick Down or Kickdown Switch
Kerb = Curb
Kerosene = Paraffin
KERS = Kinetic Energy Regeneration System
Key, Woodruff = Half-moon shaped tab that aligns and connects a gear or pulley to a drive shaft
Kg = Kilogram, unit of mass commonly also used as unit of weight, 1000 grams, 1 kg = 2.2 pounds
kHz = kilo-Hertz, one-thousand Hertz
Kickdown = Wide Open Throttle accompanied by a gear downshift for overtaking/passing
Kickdown Switch = Usually associated with Accelerator Pedal mechanism, initiates Kickdown
Kilogram = kg, unit of mass commonly also used as unit of weight, 1000 grams, 1 kg = 2.2 pounds
KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid
km/h = Kilometers Per Hour (see mph)
kmpl = Kilometers Per Litre, a measure of fuel economy (see mpg, l/100km)
Knight, Robert “Bob” = Master Jaguar chassis engineer, designer of the renowned Jaguar IRS
Knock = Audible indication of Misfire, Detonation or Pre-ignition
Knockoffs, Octagonal “Safety” = Wheel hub nuts fitted to wire-wheeled Jaguars from 1968
Knockoffs, “Two-earred or winged” = Rudge-Whitworth hub nuts fitted to wire-wheeled Jags to 1968
Knuckle = Suspension component that locates front stub axle or rear hub (see Steering Knuckle)
kPa = Kilopascal(s), 1 kPa = 1000 Pascals
KS = Knock Sensor or Knock Sensing; KS 1 = RH Bank or Bank 1; KS 2 = LH Bank or Bank 2
KTM = Key Transponder Module
kV = Kilovolt(s), 1 kV = 1000 Volts
KWP = Keyword Protocol (a form of OBD)

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