H – Jaguar Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Last Updated:
March 21, 2022

This glossary was compiled by Don B at jaguarforums.com and is reproduced here
with his permission

H = Hot
Half-axle = Half-shaft, Sideshaft, connects differential, transaxle or transfer case/box to wheel
Half-shaft = Half-axle, Sideshaft, connects differential, transaxle or transfer case/box to wheel
Hall Effect = Voltage generated in a conductor carrying an electric current when near a magnetic field
Hall Effect Sensor = A sensor that uses the Hall Effect to provide a variable electric signal
Hand Brake = Handbrake, Emergency Brake, Parking Brake
Hardura = Jute felt-backed grain-embossed PVC vinyl-faced material used for Jaguar interior parts
Harmonic Balancer = Crankshaft Damper, Crank Pulley Damper, Harm. Damper, Vibration Damper
Harmonic Damper = Crankshaft Damper, Crank Pulley Damper, Harm. Balancer, Vibration Damper
Harness = Loom Wiring Harness
Harrison = Brand of A/C compressors used in some Jaguars (frmly. Div of AC Delco, now Delphi)
Hassan, Walter “Wally” = Ex-Bentley engineer who helped design the Jaguar Twin-OHC XK engine
HC = Hydrocarbons
HCM = High Speed CAN Network Module
HCV = Heater Control Valve (DCCV, DCFV, CCV, HWCV, HV, WV)
HD = Heavy Duty
Header = Exhaust manifold
Header Tank = Expansion tank (coolant)
Heat Exchanger Transfers heat from one fluid to another: radiator, oil cooler, intercooler, condenser
HE = Hall Effect or High Efficiency
HEGO = Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor (O2S, HO2, HO2S, Lambda Sensor, UHEGO)
HEI = High-Energy Ignition
Hertz = Unit of frequency, cycles-per-second, (Hz), 1 Hz = 1 cps
HES = Hall Effect Sensor
Heynes, William “Bill” = Principal designer of the Jaguar Twin-OHC XK engine, with Wally Hassan
HFC = Hydrofluorocarbon, such as R-134a refrigerant (see CFC)
HFO-1234yf = New EPA-approved DuPont/Honeywell refrigerant that may replace R-134a (1234yf)
HFS = Heated Front Screen (see HRS)
Hg = Mercury (see inHg)
HID = High Intensity Discharge, High Intensity Discharge Headlamp
Hide = Leather used in Jaguar interiors (see Autolux, Autocalf)
High Tension Leads = Spark Plug Cables or Wires
Highway = Autobahn, Freeway, Interstate, Main Road, Motorway, Parkway
HLM = Headlamp Leveling Module
HMI = Human Machine Interface
HMSL = High Mounted Stop Lamp
HO2 = Heated Oxygen Sensor (HEGO, HO2S, O2, O2S, Lambda Sensor, UHEGO)
HO2S = Heated Oxygen Sensor (HEGO, HO2, O2, O2S, Lambda Sensor, UHEGO)
HO2 Sensor 1 / 1 = Heated Oxygen Sensor – RH Bank or Bank 1 / Upstream
HO2 Sensor 1 / 2 = Heated Oxygen Sensor – RH Bank or Bank 1 / Downstream
HO2 Sensor 2 / 1 = Heated Oxygen Sensor – LH Bank or Bank 2 / Upstream
HO2 Sensor 2 / 2 = Heated Oxygen Sensor – LH Bank or Bank 2 / Downstream
Hood = Bonnet, or convertible top
HP = Horsepower, a measure of power. 1 HP = 550 foot-pounds per second, or 745.7 watts
HRS = Heated Rear Screen (see HFS)
HS = High Speed
HSMO = Hydraulic System Mineral Oil
HSW = Heated Steering Wheel
HT or H.T. = High Tension
HT Leads = Spark Plug Cables or Wires
HU = Head Unit, Audio/Video System Head Unit
Hubcap = Nave Plate
HUD = Head-Up or Heads-Up Display (see ARHUD, LHUD)
HVAC = Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HWCV = Heater Water Control Valve (DCCV, DCFV, CCV, HV, WV)
HWP = Heated Wiper Park
HYCYOSTY = “Have you changed your original secondary tensioners yet?” (X308 necessity)
Hz = Hertz, unit of frequency, cycles-per-second, 1 Hz = 1 cps

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