E – Jaguar Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Last Updated:
March 18, 2022

This glossary was compiled by Don B at jaguarforums.com and is reproduced here
with his permission.

E2PROM = Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read-Only Memory (see EEPROM)
E-Type = Jaguar range of sports cars produced from 1961 to 1975, E-Type in the U.K., XK-E in the U.S.
EAD = Jaguar Electronic Active Differential (GKN Driveline’s ETM, w.s.)) (ADC)
EAV = Extra Air Valve
Earth = Ground (see Common)
Earth Bus = Ground Bus, circuit to which multiple components are Earthed/grounded
EBA = Emergency Brake Assist
EBD = Electronic Brake force Distribution system
EBS = Engine Breathing System (CBS)
ECAS = Wabco adaptive air suspension system on which Jaguar CATS and ECATS are based
ECATS = Jaguar Enhanced Computer Active Technology Suspension system (based on Wabco ECAS)
ECM = Engine Control Module (ECU, PCM)
ECMSCP =Engine Control Module Speed Control Processor
Econoseal = Electrical connectors by Tyco Int’l used in many Jaguars (now TE Connectivity)
ECT = Engine Coolant Temperature, Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (CT, CTS, ECTS)
ECTS = Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (CT, CTS, ECT)
ECU = Electronic Control Unit, any of several control modules (ABS, CCM, ECM, TCM, etc.)
ECU = Engine Control Unit (ECM, PCM)
EDIS = Ford Electronic Distributorless Ignition System, often retrofitted to classic Jaguars
EECPV = Evaporative Emissions Canister Purge Valve (CPV)
EEPROM = Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read-Only Memory (E2PROM)
EFI = Electronic Fuel Injection (see FI)
EFT = Engine Fuel Temperature, Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor (EFTS, FT, FTS)
EFTS = Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor (EFT, FTS)
e.g. = exempli gratia (Latin); for example, for the sake of example, such as
EGR = Exhaust Gas Recirculation, EGR Valve
EGR Valve = Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve (EGRV)
EGRC = Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler
EGRT = Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor (EGRTS, EGT, EGTS)
EGRTS = Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor (EGRT, EGT, EGTS)
EGRV = Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve (EGR Valve)
EGT = Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor (EGRT, EGRTS, EGTS)
EGTS = Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor (EGRT, EGRTS, EGT)
Electrochromic = Jaguar rear view mirrors by Gentex that dim electronically (see Photochromic)
Electromotive Force = Potential difference between terminals of a source of electrical energy
ELM = An OBD scanning device made by ELM Electronics
ELM327 = OBDII interpreter, Bluetooth scanning device that pairs with the Torque Pro Android app
ELM329 = CAN-only interpreter by ELM Electronics
EM = Engine Management
Emblem = Badge, Medallion
EMC = Electro-Magnetic Interference Control
Emergency Brake = Hand Brake, Handbrake, Parking Brake
EMI = Electromagnetic Interference caused by EMR (see RFI)
EML = Engine Management Lamp or Light (CEL, MIL, SEL, SES)
EMR = Electromagnetic radiation: e.g. radio waves, visible light, etc. (see EMI, RFI, IR, UV)
EMS = Engine Management System
Engine Speed = Rotational speed of engine in rpm, as opposed to Vehicle Road Speed
England, Raymond “Lofty” = ‘50s Jaguar Racing Chief, Jaguar Chairman & Chief Executive 1971-74
Enleanment = The AFR becoming leaner due to ECM action or another cause (e.g. air leak)
Enrichment = The AFR becoming richer due to ECM action or another cause (e.g. clogged air filter)
Entrance Ramp = On Ramp, Slip Road entering a motorway
EOBD = European On Board Diagnostics, equivalent to OBDII, mandatory on petrol cars from 2001
EOBD2 = Marketing-speak for enhanced features beyond OBDII or EOBD requirements
EOC = Engine Overspeed Control, ECM cancellation of fuel injection to prevent engine overspeed
EOP = Engine Oil Pressure or Engine Oil Pressure Sensor
EOT = Engine Oil Temperature or Engine Oil Temperature Sensor (EOTS, OT, OTS)
EOTS = Engine Oil Temperature Sensor (EOT, OT, OTS)
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)
EPAS = Electric Power Assisted Steering
EPB = Electric/Electronic Park/Parking Brake (appears in all permutations in Jaguar literature)
EPB Module = Electric/Electronic Park/Parking Brake Module (PBM)
EPC = Jaguar Electronic Parts Catalog
EPROM = Eraseable Programmable Read-Only Memory (see EEPROM)
ESC = Electronic Stability Control, Dynamic Stability Control (DSC)
Escutcheon = An ornamental plate or trim ring around a keyhole, door handle, switch, etc.
ESD = Electrostatic Discharge
ESP = Electronic Stability Program, Bosch technology used in some Jaguars
Estate Car = Shooting-brake, Station Wagon
ETM = Engineering Test Mode
ETM = GKN Driveline’s Electronic Torque Manager differential, Jaguar’s EAD and basis of ADC
E-Type = Jaguar range of sports cars produced from 1961 to 1975, E-Type in the U.K., XK-E in the U.S.
EU = European Union
EVAP = Evaporative Emissions, EVAP Management System (Fuel Vapor/Vapour Management)
EVAP =Canister Evaporative Emissions Carbon/Charcoal Canister
EVAP =Canister Close Valve Evaporative Emission Canister Close Valve
EVAP = Canister Purge Valve Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Valve
EVAPP = Evaporative Emission Control Purge Valve
Evaporator = A/C heat exchanger inside vehicle in which liquid refrigerant boils to gas, absorbing heat
EWP = Electric Water Pump
Exit Ramp = Off Ramp, Slip Road leaving a motorway
Expansion Tank = Header tank (coolant)
EXT = External (as in external air temperature)
Eyelet Terminal = Ring Terminal

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