D – Jaguar Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms

Last Updated:
March 18, 2022

This glossary was compiled by Don B at jaguarforums.com and is reproduced here
with his permission.

D = Drive or Daimler
D2B = Digital Data Bus Network, telematics network (fiber/fibre optic; optical fiber)
D-Jetronic = Bosch EFI system, man. by Lucas for Jaguar V12 engines (superseded by Digital P)
D-Pillar = D-Post, structure rearward of C-pillar that connects roof to body, as on an estate car
D-Post = D-Pillar, structure rearward of C-pillar that connects roof to body, as on an estate car
D-Type = Jaguar racing car produced 1954-57, Le Mans winners 1955, ’56 and ‘57
D-Washer Round washer with a flat-sided center hole that resembles the letter D
D/A = Digital-to-Analog
DAC = Digital-to-Analog Converter
DAMB = Direct-Acting Mechanical Bucket tappets
DATC = Dual Automatic Temperature Control, Dual Electronic Automatic Temperature Control
DAB = Digital Audio Broadcast
Daimler = Daimler Co. Ltd., acquired by Jaguar in 1960 from BSA (not Daimler-Benz or Daimler AG)
Daimler Double Six = U.K. badge for 12-cylinder version of XJ40 saloon (XJ12 in the U.S.)
Daimler Sovereign = Jaguar compact sporting saloon produced 1966-68, also known as the Jaguar 420
Da Vina = An advanced computer-based OBD diagnostic system
Damper = Shock Absorber
Damper, Crankshaft = Crank Pulley Damper, Harmonic Balancer or Damper, Vibration Damper
Dash = Dashboard, Facia, Facia Panel
Dashboard = Dash, Facia, Facia Panel
Data Link Connector = The vehicle OBDII connector port (DLC)
DATC = Dual Automatic Temperature Control system
dB = Decibels Unit of sound energy (SPL), electrical power ratio, or ratio of two voltages or currents
DB = Driveshaft Balancer
DBW = Drive-by-wire
DC = Direct Current or Duty Cycle
DCCV = Dual Coolant Control Valve (CCV, DCFV, DFCV, HCV, HWCV, HV, WV)
DCFV = Dual Coolant Flow Valve (DCCV, DFCV, CCV, HCV, HWCV, HV, WV)
DD = Daily Driver
DDM =Driver Door Module, Driver Door Control Module
Dead Battery = Flat Battery
Dead Pedal = Stationary rest for driver’s left foot (position may be adjustable)
Dealer/Dealership, Jaguar = Jaguar Main Agent
DEF = Defrost, Defog
Delamination = Separation or splitting of layers of laminated wood in Jaguar steering wheels and panels
Denatured alcohol = Methylated spirit
Department of Transportation = Ministry of Transport (DOT, MOT)
Detonation = Combustion of end-gas after normal combustion (see Pre-ignition, Misfire, Knock)
Dewis, Norman, OBE = Chief Jaguar test driver and development engineer from 1952-1985
DEXRON, DEXRON II, DEXRON III =Automatic Transmission Fluid trademark of GM
DFCV = Dual-flow Coolant Valve (CCV, DCCV, DCFV, HCV, HWCV, HV, WV)
DHC = Drophead or Drop Head Coupe, convertible version of a 2-door coupé (see OTS, Roadster)
DHM = Driver’s Head Restraint Module
DI = Direction Indicators, Indicators, Turn Signals
Diaphragm = Flexible membrane separating two cavities, as in a carburetor or hydraulic accumulator
Diaphragm = A flexible disc that vibrates when receiving or producing sound (microphone or speaker)
DIC = Digital Instrument Cluster (Jaguar terminology: Virtual Instrument Cluster)
Diesel Cycle = Thermodynamic cycle invented by Rudolph Diesel (see Otto Cycle)
Diff = Differential (w.s.)
Differential = A gear set that transmits driveshaft power to the axles, typically offset by 90-degrees
Differential Gear Ratio = The number driveshaft/propshaft rotations for each wheel rotation
Digital P = Bosch/Lucas EFI system that replaced D-Jetronic on XJ-S from 1980
DIN = Deutches Institut für Normung, “German Institute for Standardization,” German ISO body
DIN Connector = Standardized electrical connector such as the circular format used for audio signals
Direction Indicators = Indicators, Turn Signals (DI)
Discs = Brake rotors
Divided Highway = Dual Carriageway
DIY = Do It Yourself
DLC = Data Link Connector (the vehicle OBDII connector port)
DMM = Digital Multi-Meter, for measuring voltage, resistance, and more (see VOM, DVOM)
DMS = Driver Monitoring System, Driver Attention-Monitoring System by Seeing Machines & Intel
DMV = Department of Motor Vehicles (U.S. States)
DOHC = Dual or Double Overhead Camshaft (see OHC, Twin Cam, Twin OHC)
Downstream = Later/following in a circuit/system, as in Downstream O2S (Post Cat) (see Upstream)
Door Card = Door Interior Trim Panel
Door-Cap = Top trim piece of door card, often incorporating wood veneer and/or leather in Jaguars
DOT = Department of Transportation, Ministry of Transport (MOT)
Double-Six = 12-cylinder Jaguar XJ saloon
DPF = Diesel Particulate Filter
DPO = Despised Previous Owner of one’s Jaguar
Draught Excluder = Moquette-covered trim for door and sunroof opening edges, Weather Seal/strip
DRDM = Driver Rear Door Control Module; Driver Side Rear Door Module
Driveshaft = Propshaft, Propeller Shaft
DRL = Daytime Running Lights
Drophead = Convertible
Drophead Coupe = Convertible version of a 2-door coupe or coupé, see Roadster (DHC)
DS= Driver’s Side, Near Side (DS, NS), see Passenger Side
DSC = Dynamic Stability Control, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), DSC Module (DSCM)
DSCM = Dynamic Stability Control Module (DSC, ESC); Driver Seat Control Module (DSM)
DSM = Driver’s Seat Control Module or Diagnostic Status Manager (ECM system that triggers DTCs)
DSO = Digital Storage Oscilloscope
DSP = Digital Signal Processing
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Code (Fault Code, Code)
DTMF Tones = Dual Tone Multi-Frequency tones (related to in-car telephony)
D-Type = Jaguar racing car produced 1954-57, Le Mans winners 1955, ’56 and ‘57
Dual Carriageway = Divided highway
Dumpy Screwdriver = Stubby Screwdriver, short screwdriver
DVD = Digital Versatile Disc
DVOM = Digital Volt/Ohmmeter
Dynamo = Generator (DC), see Alternator
Dynamometer = “Dyno,” apparatus for measuring force, torque and power of an engine or powertrain
Dyno = Dynamometer, apparatus for measuring force, torque and power of an engine or powertrain

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